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Methamphetamine, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse:, is an addictive stimulant closely related to amphetamine. It has longer lasting and more toxic effects on the central nervous system than amphetamine and has a high potential for abuse and addiction.


Treatment for Meth Addiction
According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, the most effective treatment for methamphetamine combines detoxification and behavioral therapy. The process can take longer than a year and relapse rates are high.

Street Names

Street names for methamphetamine may be different depending on whether the drug is in powder or crystal form:

Powder Methamphetamine: Bikers Coffee, Chalk, Chicken Powder, Crank, Fizz, Hawaiian Salt, Lemons, Nails, One Pot, Soap Dope, Speed, Stove Top, Walking Zombie, White, Zip

Crystal Methamphetamine: Aqua, Blue, Colorado Rockies, Cri-Cri, Crystal, Frio, Glass, Ice, Hot Ice, Ice Cream, L.A. Ice, L.A. Glass, Shatter, Shaved Ice, Shiny Girl, Super Ice, Shards, Quartz,

To Find Providers in Connecticut’s Community Resources Database:
Search category “Substance Use Disorder”: Substance Use Disorder – United Way of Connecticut – 211 and eLibrary (


SOURCE: National Institute on Drug Abuse; Drug Enforcement Administration; Partnership to End Addiction; Addiction Resources.Net
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